Saturday, March 29, 2014


Focus without attention makes one :-

  1. more gross and less subtle,
  2. less balanced vision,
  3. more selfish and less concerned for other views,
  4. stagnate,
  5. live in illusions & delusions,
  6. more artificial and less natural,
  7. unreal,
  8. deceitful in a gross/subtle way,
  9. preach & teach more than learn,
  10. more egoistic, subtly in the beginning then openly,
  11. divide and spread disintegration,
  12. always right,
  13. think 'I always know',
  14. stop walking in the direction,
  15. violent, sometimes disguised as religion and faith,
  16. lazy, sometimes disguised as unattached,
  17. attached disguised cleverly,
  18. hate disguised cleverly,
  19. unaware
  20. unloving towards some,
  21. ritualistic,
  22. addictive and habit forming,
  23. self-conceited,
  24. unjust & unfair disguised cleverly,
  25. want more, give less,
  26. sharing less & less,
  27. cunning,
  28. discriminative in giving respect 
  29. possessive,
  30. fearful, disguised cleverly,
  31. pretentious,
  32. pompous,
  33. sacrifice unnecessarily, unwisely,
  34. restricts intelligence,
  35. prejudicial, parochial, and suspicious,
  36. liar disguised cleverly,
  37. create, develop, suffer complexes,
  38. deceive self more and more,
  39. unsecured, disguised cleverly,
  40. cruel to near & dear,
  41. crave for appreciation, motivation, followers, disciples, servers,
  42. condescendingly bossy.
Oct. 2012, L B Nagar, Hyderabad. 

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