Sunday, April 20, 2014

Books, Granth, ચોપડી, પુસ્તક, ગ્રંથ.

In Gujarati language for 'book' has different levels- ચોપડી, પુસ્તક, ગ્રંથ. Every 23 April is World Book Day or Internation Day of the Books. In 1995, UNESCO decided that the World Book and Copyright Day would be celebrated on this date the date is also the anniversary of the birth and death of William Shakespeare, the death of Miguel de Cervantes (novel Don Kihote)Inca Garcilaso de la Vega and Josep Pla, and the birth of Maurice DruonManuel Mejía Vallejo and Halldór LaxnessAlthough 23 April is often stated as the anniversary of the deaths of both William Shakespeare and Miguel de Cervantes, this is not strictly correct. Cervantes died on 22 April and was buried on 23 April according theGregorian calendar; however, at this time England still used the Julian calendar. Whilst Shakespeare died on 23 April by the Julian calendar in use in his own country at the time, he actually died eleven days after Cervantes because of the discrepancy between the two date systems. The apparent correspondence of the two dates was a fortunate coincidence for UNESCO.

Some quotes in Gujarati/English :

  • 'તમે કહો છો કે તમને વરસાદ ગમે છેપણ તમે છત્રી ખોલો છો;
  • તમે કહો છો કે તમને સૂર્ય ગમે છે પણ તમે છાંયો શોધો છો;
  • તમે કહો છો કે તમને પવન ગમે છેપણ તમે બારીઓ બંધ રાખો છો.
  • ઍટલે  હું ડરી જાઊં છું જ્યારે તમે કહો છો કે તમે મને પ્રેમ કરો છો'.

'You say you love rain but you use an umbrella to walk under it. You say you love sun but you seek shade when its shining. You say you love wind but when it comes you close your window. So that's why im scared when you say you love me.

  • બધા વાંચે છે   પુસ્તકો તમે વાંચશો તો બધા વિચારે છે ઍવુ  તમે વિચારશોનવા વિચારો જોઈતા હોય તો મહેનત કરવી પડશે
  • સુરેશ દલાલ કહેતા કે જી કઈ પબ્લિશ થાય છે તે બધું  વાંચવા બેસિયે તો આંધળા થઈ જઇયે.
  • પાઉલો કોયેલો કહે છે કે અમુક બારણાં બંધ કરતા શીખોઅભિમાનઉપેક્ષાઅણઆવડત કે આક્રમકતા ના કારણ થી નહીંપણ ઍટલા માટે કે તે તમને ક્યાંય નથી લઈ જતા. Learn to close some doors- not out of ignorance, aggression, indifference, ego, but because they lead you nowhere.
  • To read with speed is different from reading fast. On certain issues one should learn to stop and having read the whole, understand what is not to be remembered.
  • રમેશ પારેખ ની પંક્તિ જેવું થાય 'ઍક પુસ્તક માં છેઍક મસ્તક માં છે'. Ramesh Parekh, renowned thinker, poet, writer, creator has said, 'one is (rubbish) in the book and the other (rubbish) is in the head'. Rubbish twice over. Learn to understand what to forget in a book.
  • 'સુખ ઍટલે ખુલ્લી બારી, કોફીનો ઍક કપ અને ઍક પુસ્તક'.
  • સોનલ પરીખ નો 'ફૅમિલી રૂમ', જન્મભૂમી પ્રકાશનરવિવાર, 20 ઍપ્રિલ 2014.

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