Saturday, December 8, 2012


8 dec 2012

Authentic freedom places demands on us. In discovering and comprehending our fundamental relations to one another and zestfully performing our duties, true freedom, which all people long for, is indeed possible. From the author’s ‘Art of living’.
Most people tend to delude themselves into thinking that freedom comes from doing what feels good to what fosters comfort and ease. Don’t be a slave to your desires and aversions; else you would be ill-prepared to act effectively and nobly when unexpected challenges occur, as they inevitably will. 
When you are faithfully occupied with performing the acts of a wise and decent person, seeking to synchronise your intentions and acts to the divine will, you do not feel victimised by the words or deeds of others.
Except for extreme physical abuse, other people cannot hurt you unless you allow them to. And this holds true even if the person is your parent, brother, sister, teacher, or employer. Don’t consent to be hurt and you won’t be hurt.

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