Wednesday, November 28, 2012



(courtesy: Sadguru Jaggi Vasudev)

  • A woman was standing on a river bank. It looked so beautiful - the expanse of the river and the other side of the bank. Then she noticed there was another woman on the other side. So she called out and said, "How do I get to the other side?" That woman looked up and down the river, looking for a solution. Then she looked at her and said, "You are ont the other side."

In a church school, the teacher asked the children, "If I give my wealth away to the church and serve the church, will I go to heaven?" The children in unison said, :No!".
Then he asked, "If I serve the poor, wash the leper's feet and wipe the tears of a child's face, will I go to heaven?" The children said, "No!
Then he asked, "If I love my wife, love my children, take care of my family, do my duty to my nation, will I go to heaven?" They said, "No!"
Then he asked, "Then what should I do to go to heaven>"
Little tommy from the backbench said, "You got to die."
You don't have to kill the world; or your body- you have no business to kill the body because you didn't make ti. You have every right to kill all that you have created- you have no right to kill what the Creator has created. But the person that you call as "myself" is all your making. If you kill that one guy, everything , the whole universe is yours. 
This is the tradeoff- "me" or the cosmos?

  • A lot of people have come to the stupid conclusion that life is just a sum of heartbeat, electrical activity and so on.

  • "One who identifies inaction in action and action in inaction is wise in human society. Such a person is spiritually inclined while engaged in all types of work." (Bhagwad Gita- Chapter 4, verse 18).

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Tech overuse tied to ‘semi-somnia’

27 nov 2012
LONDON: A growing number of people are now suffering from a newly identified sleep disorder called 'semi-somnia ' triggered by stress and technology use, sleep experts say. 

Rather than having totally sleepless nights, sufferers of semi-somnia experience short bouts of sleep disruption — perhaps on particularly busy or stressful days, experts claim. 

An Indian-origin expert has even coined a phrase 'fizzy sleep' to explain sleep difficulties faced by sufferers. 

"It's not a scientific term, but clients say that's what their head feels like. They are asleep but it's not restful. It's a jangly, information-filled sleep where the brain is still highly active," said Dr Nerina Ramlakhan, a sleep coach at London's Capio Nightingale hospital, and author of the book Tired But Wired. 

The condition is being called insomnia's irritating little sister, but despite not sharing the full agonizing symptoms of acute sleeplessness — which has been linked to weakened immune systems , depression, high blood pressure and even heart disease — semi-somnia is far from harmless, the 'Daily Mail' reported. 

Victims may wake every night for 30 minutes, or find it impossible to sleep for an hour because their minds are racing. Experts are of the opinion that semi-somnia started plaguing people now because of excessive use of technology. 

"We've spent five years researching this with 30,000 sufferers and technology is probably the main cause," said Jean Gomes, chairman of The Energy Project — a consultancy to help people counteract tiredness issues.

Internet, smartphones, reality shows and junk food- Evolution makes us dumber

A study claims that evolution's making us 

dumber, and internet, smartphones, reality 

shows and junk food are to blame:

Courtesy: Hyderabad Times 27th Nov 2012 Kritika Kapoor

Reality TV shows
Science speak: 

"The entertainment we consume can influence our emotions and behaviour" - according to the study, A Story About a Stupid Person Can Make You Act Stupid (or Smart), by Markus Appel.
What it means: 
You are what you watch and watching dumb people do dumb stuff can make you dumb too. 

Science speak:
"Scientists say people who constantly multitask are more easily distracted. 
Such task-switching, aka multi-tasking, has been shown in several studies to 
increase stress, 
which can interfere with short-term memory, 
leading to more mistakes," according to a magazine. 
What that means: 
Do you feel the sudden desperation to type "whatsupp dude" to anyone on your contact list the minute your boss starts a meeting? 
Blame the smartphone
Thanks to it, we just don't have any attention span left. 
It also makes us think we're superhumans who can text, drive and sing all the lyrics - all at the same time. 
Isn't that evidence enough of our stupidity? 
Although there still isn't any neurological study to substantiate the fact that smartphones make us dumb, there are "distraction studies" aplenty.

Junk food
Science speak: 
Children who eat junk food grow up with a lower IQ. 
The brain grows at its fastest during the first three years and good nutrition during this period may encourage optimal brain growth. - Briston University study
What it means: 
You mean junk food makes us fat and stupid? 
sugar makes you dumb too
Researchers at UCLA found that rats had a harder time navigating a maze after eating a fructose-only diet.

The internet
Science speak:

Internet and multitude of search engines
 is replacing our brains. 
Earlier we had fewer resources (ie books) to gain information and knowing we didn't have 24/7 access to those meant our brains stored the information. 
With the advent of internet and multitude of search engines, our brains no longer know how to retain the info, according to Forensic Psychology.

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Multiple States Of Existence

21 nov 2012 wednesday

Multiple States Of Existence:

courtesy: Arup Mitra in Speaking Tree TOI Hyd on Nov 20, 2012 

There can be infinite dimensions of an object through length, width, height and time, the four major popular physical aspects. 
However, string theory supports the possibility of ten dimensions – though the remaining six may not be detected as directly as the other four are. 
As per the M-theory there are eleven dimensions..........
Further, each universe may be taken to represent a certain level of consciousness. The dualism of life and death – consciousness or the lack of it - is too simplistic. What we call life is not just one level of consciousness. It can constitute various levels of consciousness depending on how many major dimensions each level has. Similarly with what we call as death: different levels can be conceptualised, suggesting various forms. So let’s not assume death is when there is no consciousness. When we say there is no life on planet A the comparison is to what we know to be life on earth.
There is a continuous movement of objects from one universe to another, from one level of consciousness to another. So when we talk about cycles they do not remain confined to one universe. The overlapping areas are also of great significance. One simple example can be a star becoming a black-hole – it may no longer be in the domain of the physical universe in a strict sense. But energy level may not have disappeared completely. Its light which entered the physical universe several millions of years ago still exists. So what is past from one point of view is present or future from another angle.  
The God component is the common thread passing through multiple universes which otherwise would have remained independent of each other.   

Sunday, November 18, 2012



(Courtesy: Ruchir Sharma, TNN Nov 11, 2012. Ruchir Sharma is head and emerging markets and global macro at Morgan Stanley Investment Management and the author of the bestseller 'Breakout Nations' . He will be the closing speaker at the Times of India Literary Carnival , at Mehboob Studios, at 5.30pm on December 9).

No issue resonates at more loudly today than inequality and more hollow too.  Guthrie's claim that "greed and globalization aren't just America's fault" may be partly true.
More and more, you can hear the citizens of emerging market capitals complain that the global economy is profiting the plutocrats (tycoons, big shots),
·       expanding the ranks of the poor and
·       squeezing the middle class.
·       While in countries like Mexico, popular resentment has long driven the super-rich to seek a low profile ;
·       in others such as India, the billionaire class was until recently feted as a symbol of growing economic prowess, but now faces tough questions about what it contributes to that success.
There are good billionaires , but the last decade saw a worldwide rise of bad billionaires.
Back in the 1990s, many of the new tycoons were tech entrepreneurs, and those who endured the dotcom crash are still delivering new smart phones, ereaders , cloud computing. They are good billionaires, driven perhaps by greed but also by the kind of genius that creates innovative products and more productive economies.
Unfortunately , the 2000s saw the rise of a rawer kind of greed and a class of billionaires who make money by using political connections to corner monopolies or contracts for peddling natural resources.
In 2001, the world had
·       29 billionaires in energy, 75 in technology.
·       By 2011 the numbers had flipped: 91 in energy (mostly oil), and 36 in technology.
·       These new tycoons make money essentially by digging stuff out of the ground, and make a productive contribution only if they inspire rivals to find alternatives to oil. No bubble is a good bubble, but commodity bubbles are the worst, because they cause a lot of pain but leave nothing of value behind.

If the top billionaires control too great a share of national wealth—and in Russia they control assets equal to about 20 percent of GDP, the highest share of any major country—it could spark unrest. If billionaire fortunes are relatively small—the average for the top 10 in Korea is just $4 billion, less than half the average in Russia or India—it suggests a more stable balance.

Russia ranks second in the world for the numbers of billionaires, and sixth for individuals worth more than $100 million. It doesn't make the top 15 for millionaires. Russian billionaires are squeezing out the middle class, and the millionaires too.
The world capital of the bad billionaires is Russia, with its intense concentration of billionaire wealth in commodities. Eight of the top 10 are holdovers from 2007 list. As of 2011, Russian billionaires obtained 80 percent of their wealth in nonproductive industries, especially oil and gas, the largest share in the world, and 69 of the 100 Russian billionaires lived in Moscow, reflecting their close ties to the state.

Economists Aditi Gandhi and Michael Walton recently found that
·       43 percent of India's billionaires and
·       about 60 percent of their total wealth
·       come from "rentthick" industries like real estate or construction that enjoy abnormally high profits.
In India, provincial tycoons who cut political deals to corner unproductive industries like mining or real estate have increasingly displaced the 1990s generation of tech entrepreneurs from the billionaires list.
With no wealth or inheritance taxes, India has long been top heavy with billionaires, but this class is now exploding in worrisome directions.
·       Bad billionaires are also rising faster in India than in China, which has more balance and competition at the top.
·       The average wealth of the top 10 Indian billionaires is about $11 billion, nearly double the Chinese average of $6 billion.
·       In India , billionaires hold assets equal to 11 percent of GDP, compared to 3 percent in China.
·       Eight of the top-ten Indian billionaires on the latest Forbes list are holdovers from the 2007 list, while only two of China's top 10 are holdovers.
China also has a stronger middle tier.
The latest CS Global Wealth recently found that
·       while China has a relatively small share of families in the top and bottom 10 percent of the global income distribution, it has a disproportionally large share in the upper middle class (the top 50 to 90 percent ).
·       Meanwhile India is overrepresented at the top and bottom, but underrepresented in the middle.

Billionaires should face competition so that it would limit their control of economy. The competition to the billionaires would also promotes turnover at the top, and generate wealth in industries that are productive, not politically connected. Competition helps keep in check the dark side of greed and the also checks the rise of bad billionaires, who are the most powerful enemies of capitalism.

Friday, November 16, 2012



Are You Multitasking or Are You Suffering from Digital-Device-Distraction Syndrome?
Bajarin is a principal at Creative Strategies Inc., a technology-industry-analysis and market-intelligence firm in Silicon Valley.

As technology invades our lives and covers every facet of working, playing, learning and more, we as a culture will need to adjust and find balance so as to not get so lost in the digital world that we lose ourselves. 
We hear frequently about parents desiring to get their kids to shut off the video-game systems and go outside and play. Go out in public to restaurants, coffee shops and malls, and you see people fixated on their screens.
There is nothing wrong with that, however, I think we need to be aware of something important as a digital society. I fear that we may slowly lose the ability to be fully present in a moment or situation.
I noticed this about myself a few years ago while I was on my computer checking e-mail and responding to “important” work stuff. As I was sitting there fully immersed in my screen, one of my daughters was trying to get my attention. I’m not sure how long it took, but I think she had to say, “Daddy! Daddy! Daddy!” about four or five times. I recognized that it should not take me that long to respond, and, more importantly, my eyes were open to the reality that often I was not fully present in many important situations. We are allowing digital distractions to interfere with important moments.
I grew up with technology and have little or no recollection of life without a game system or personal computer. I am in my mid-30s and the digital devices I grew up with are light-years different from the ones my kids are growing up with, but the point remains that growing up digital leads to some of the tendencies I am noticing. There’s a lack of ability to be fully present.
This is clearly just becoming something that is socially acceptable. In a meeting or conversation, it’s O.K. to turn our attention and be as equally engaged with a smart phone as we are with the person across from us. We are, after all, a multitasking generation.
Our attention is divided across multiple tasks and multiple screens. I’m guessing that the prior generation may have considered this too much to handle. We are becoming experts in multitasking, but I think it’s time we learn again how to single-task in certain situations and contexts, namely during engagements with human beings.
I’d love to see companies like AppleMicrosoft and Google even try to help turn this trend around — perhaps by offering technology like Apple’s 'Do Not Disturb' feature to automatically kick in when I am in a meeting or when I get home.
There is a time and place for technology, but there is also a time and place to be present in the real world. If we can’t recapture the ability to be present, we may find that digital distractions cause life to pass us by.

My blog date- Nov. 12, 2012

Friday, November 9, 2012


9 NOV. 2012; 12 NOV 2012;

Thinking has not solved our problems. 
The clever ones, the philosophers, the scholars, the political leaders, have not really solved any of our human problems, which are the relationship between you and another, between you and myself. 
So far we have used the mind, the intellect, to help us investigate the problem and thereby are hoping to find a solution. 
  • Can thought ever dissolve our problems? 

  1. Is not thought, unless it is in the laboratory or on the drawing-board; always 
  • self-protecting, self-perpetuating, conditioned? 
  • Is not its activity self-centred? 
  • And can such thought 
  • ever resolve any of the problems which thought itself has created? Can the mind, which has created the problems, resolve those things that it has itself brought forth? - 
The First and Last Freedom,111,Choiceless Awareness

Can there be thinking without memory?
In other words, is there thought without the word? 
You know, it is very interesting, if you go into it. 
Is the speaker using thought? Thought, as the word, is necessary for communication, is it not?
The speaker has to use words, English words, to communicate with you who understand English. And the words come out of memory, obviously. 

  • But what is the source, what is behind the word? 
Let me put it differently.
There is a drum; it gives out a tone. When the skin is tightly stretched at the right tension, you strike it, and it gives out the right tone, which you may recognize. 
  • The drum, which is empty, in right tension, is as your own mind can be. 
When there is right attention and you ask the right question, then it gives the right answer. The answer may be in terms of the word, the recognizable, but 
  • that which comes out of that emptiness is, surely, creation. 
  • The thing that is created out of knowledge is mechanical, but the thing which comes out of emptiness, out of the unknown, that is the state of creation. - 

The Collected Works, Vol. XII",181,Choiceless Awareness

Update date 12 nov. 2012


  • The distance between a beggar & his desire & d distance between Alexander d Great & his desire is d same.
  • every expectation is the begining of frustration.
  • In fact, you will be more meaningless in a palace, bcoz while you are in a hut you can still HOPE, but the man in palace, has no hope, he feels utterly HOPELESS.
  • And remember that no desire simply ends; before it ends, it gives birth to other desires. 
  • Either you will be consumed by your desires or u have to consume your desires. And consuming means: WITNESS, WATCH. BE AWARE.