Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Multiple States Of Existence

21 nov 2012 wednesday

Multiple States Of Existence:

courtesy: Arup Mitra in Speaking Tree TOI Hyd on Nov 20, 2012 

There can be infinite dimensions of an object through length, width, height and time, the four major popular physical aspects. 
However, string theory supports the possibility of ten dimensions – though the remaining six may not be detected as directly as the other four are. 
As per the M-theory there are eleven dimensions..........
Further, each universe may be taken to represent a certain level of consciousness. The dualism of life and death – consciousness or the lack of it - is too simplistic. What we call life is not just one level of consciousness. It can constitute various levels of consciousness depending on how many major dimensions each level has. Similarly with what we call as death: different levels can be conceptualised, suggesting various forms. So let’s not assume death is when there is no consciousness. When we say there is no life on planet A the comparison is to what we know to be life on earth.
There is a continuous movement of objects from one universe to another, from one level of consciousness to another. So when we talk about cycles they do not remain confined to one universe. The overlapping areas are also of great significance. One simple example can be a star becoming a black-hole – it may no longer be in the domain of the physical universe in a strict sense. But energy level may not have disappeared completely. Its light which entered the physical universe several millions of years ago still exists. So what is past from one point of view is present or future from another angle.  
The God component is the common thread passing through multiple universes which otherwise would have remained independent of each other.   

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