Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Tech overuse tied to ‘semi-somnia’


27 nov 2012
LONDON: A growing number of people are now suffering from a newly identified sleep disorder called 'semi-somnia ' triggered by stress and technology use, sleep experts say. 

Rather than having totally sleepless nights, sufferers of semi-somnia experience short bouts of sleep disruption — perhaps on particularly busy or stressful days, experts claim. 

An Indian-origin expert has even coined a phrase 'fizzy sleep' to explain sleep difficulties faced by sufferers. 

"It's not a scientific term, but clients say that's what their head feels like. They are asleep but it's not restful. It's a jangly, information-filled sleep where the brain is still highly active," said Dr Nerina Ramlakhan, a sleep coach at London's Capio Nightingale hospital, and author of the book Tired But Wired. 

The condition is being called insomnia's irritating little sister, but despite not sharing the full agonizing symptoms of acute sleeplessness — which has been linked to weakened immune systems , depression, high blood pressure and even heart disease — semi-somnia is far from harmless, the 'Daily Mail' reported. 

Victims may wake every night for 30 minutes, or find it impossible to sleep for an hour because their minds are racing. Experts are of the opinion that semi-somnia started plaguing people now because of excessive use of technology. 

"We've spent five years researching this with 30,000 sufferers and technology is probably the main cause," said Jean Gomes, chairman of The Energy Project — a consultancy to help people counteract tiredness issues.

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