With Regards and Best Wishes PREMJI BHANUSHALI
I enrolled for Aadhaar card today. The particulars of the enrolling agency given below for general benefit.
Take care about the Nampallly Centre that appears on the uidai.gov.in because though on the website of uidai.gov.in, one address details appear, when I went to Nampally I could not locate it. When I spoke to the person whose mobile no. is given on the website, he said he is not doing the work anymore and may be it is a updation mistake. That is the only address which comes up Online for Hyderabad and even an appointment no. etc. screen comes up which I printed. But it was a failed trip.
Secondly the above website of the govt. does not mention about the Karvy or any other centre for Hyderabad, giving the enrolment services.
webisite: https://www.kdms.in/home.html
Head Office
Karvy Data Management Services Limited46, Avenue 4, Street No. 1, Banjara Hills, Hyderabad - 500034. Andhra Pradesh, India Board : +91 40 23312454 Fax: +91 40 23311968 For Banking & Financial Services Rajesh Mattapalli Direct : +91 40 44707603 Email : Rajesh Mattapalli |
- Enrolling Agency: Karvy Data Management Services,
- Road No. 10, Banjara Hills, Gate No.3.
- Landmarks- Opp. Care Hospital (New); Opp. Babukhan Chambers; Little ahead of Rainbow Hospitals.
- Other tips:
- It is open on Sundays too.
- If one reaches 10 min. before that, then the whole process including transferring your data on the computer, finger and thumb prints, iris scan etc. can be completed within one hour.
- 9-00 am is the opening time but then the line builds up.
- The staff may be 10-15 min. late.
- There are 2-3 computer counters to capture the data on computer and do the fingerprinting and iris scanning.
- I was satisfied about the quality of the service and the care they took to ensure that the data is correct.
- I took an filled up enrolment application that I had downloaded from uidai.gov.in and printed, but that was not useful since Karvy had their own serially numbered applications which I filled up again.
- Addhaar help nos. of the govt.
- 1800 180 1947
- Add. P.O. Box 1947, GPO, Bangalore 560 001.
Hope the information will be of use to the concerned people.
2 dec. 2012.

Aadhaar has been initiated with the purpose of helping the people of India especially with the people belonging to poor and rural class. No doubt there are a no. of flaws in the functioning of this new project but at the same time it must also be noted that Aadhaar can be prove to be very fruitful as well. There is a need to make the whole system more transparent and error free then only the project will said to be a successful one otherwise it will be another scam or fraud from the Indian government.
Aadhar Status
'hanuman chalisa' 's comments and caution are both correct in view of the present day environment of rewarding and promoting corruption and also welcome. Timely Delivery of justice is thwarted in many ways since tainted people are occupying seats of power and law makers. An example Person out of jail on bail for serious criminal offences pending appeal in higher courts become minister for prisons.
Govt claim of delivery of more than 1.1 Cr Aadhar card is false and making it compulsory for basic requirement like LPG cylinders will sink the UPA. Govt should improve its delivery system
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